Giant Slayers Presents Dinesh D'Souza's Election Fraud Bombshell "2000 Mules"

Links To Buy A Digital Download, The DVD Or Book Below!

An important goal of Giant Slayers is to support and energize the full forensic audit movement. Movies like 2000 Mules as well as the work that has been done by many others and the relentless calls to state legislators from Giant Slayers Digital Warriors will help persuade state legislatures to take action!

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If you do, we'll contact you soon to show you what you can do to make a difference in the battle to take our country back! ~ Politick_Rick

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Dinesh D'Souza At Trump Rally in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

The whole country saw what happened on January 6, 2021. It wasn’t an insurrection. The whole country did not see what happened on November 3, 2020. It was carefully concealed from them. That’s why I made “2000 Mules.” It reveals the true insurrection. ~ Dinesh D'Souza

2,000 Mules — The Book:   They Thought We'd Never Find Out. They Were Wrong!


Forget everything you've heard so far.

Forget everything you "know" about election fraud. I'm writing a book that doesn't rely on suspicions, hunches, or speculations. I'm not making a case for what could have happened.

I am showing you, through evidence as reliable as fingerprint and DNA evidence, what did happen. I cannot tell you the full story of the 2020 election because I don't know it.

But I can tell you what I do know, and what I know is both decisive and damning, and comes with the largest conceivable implications for our future as a democracy.

In the end, I'm confident you'll agree with me there was a heist, that the criminals are still at large, and the party of the criminals is now running the country. ~ Dinesh D'Souza

Buy The 2000 Mules Book!


Get A Digital Download Of 2000 Mules, The Movie

On the Rumble-owned platform Locals, you can get an annual subscription to my channel and get “2000 Mules” for free, or you can simply purchase and watch the movie. Your choice! ~ Dinesh D'Souza

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Buy The 2000 Mules DVD!
